Welcome to Distinct Hearing!

We are an independent private Audiology practice operating from the heart of George, along the beautiful Garden Route. Distinct Hearing is committed to providing state of the art hearing health care with a prominent patient centered approach.

Distinct Hearing | George Western Cape South Africa
Distinct Hearing | George Western Cape South Africa

Importance of Treating
Your Hearing Loss

Whether youre attending a business meeting or listening to family and friends, hearing clearly is crucial. For most people, its not until their hearing begins to deteriorate that they realise just how important it is. Untreated hearing loss can become a major problem that can impact your relationships with others, your participation in communication and even your independence.

If you do have hearing loss, hearing aids can vastly improve your daily life thanks to advances in technology. Todays hearing aids work more effectively than ever and can be almost invisible to the eye.

About Our Services

Medical Aid Rates

At Distinct Hearing, we charge our patients medical aid rates. Distinct Hearing charges rates for all major Medical Aids in South Africa.

Want the best hearing care, but don’t have medical aid?

We charge competitive rates for all of our services! After all, we really put our patients needs first. Let Jonathan help you select a solution that suits your lifestyle and budget.

Cutting-Edge Hearing Aid Technology:

We are experts in up-to-date hearing aid technology. We stock leading brands including Widex, Oticon, Signia and Phonak.

Your Health Starts Here

Flexible appointments and urgent care.

Or call — 044 873 3809



To support the efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19, Distinct hearing is implementing
strict social distancing protocols and hygiene measures. We thank you for your patience
whilst we complete a quick screener on your arrival.

Distinct Hearing | George Western Cape South Africa
Distinct Hearing | George Western Cape South Africa
Distinct Hearing Brand Logos
Distinct Hearing | George Western Cape South Africa
Distinct Hearing | George Western Cape South Africa